As I sit here and think about what I am going to write about I think of how many of us are still a slave to our thoughts, old beliefs, and fears. We just keep playing out everything from who we use to be rather than who we are now. If part of us is frozen in time back to when our traumas have happened, then we are also repeating these old patterns of where we were and what we were thinking at that time. It really serves no one. We know what playing that out years later brings to us. Remember the quote, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".
We do know better yet perhaps we are more comfortable with what’s familiar to us.
Even if it hurts us in the end. Stop the insanity and create an intention to make a change NOW! Start with having faith that things can be different. Faith is a funny thing. No matter what the situation, faith has always been with me. The trick is to believe before you have any proof. It’s easy to believe after. when you are able to forgive the circumstances, your situation will change. Many of these situations are an initiation into forgiveness. Most people just can't let it go and think they’re punishing the other person or circumstance and in reality, they are just punishing themselves for eternity if they don’t let it go.
Don't let yourself keep being a slave to your past traumas. Instead, start taking baby steps forward, moving away from what was, and saying goodbye once and for all. By doing this you make space for the new. It’s helpful to remember that our supply comes from God, Goddess, the Universe, or whatever you want to call it. So start clearing your slate to make room for the new. You were not meant to be a slave to the past.
Free yourself now!