When I was thinking about what to write about, I thought that soulmates are always a popular topic. My intention for writing this is to clarify the topic. Through TV movies, books, and discussions in many spiritual circles, one topic always comes up, soulmates. Through all the media it suggests that we have one soulmate and one only, and if for some reason it doesn't work out, how sad would that be?
First of all, the definition of a soulmate is someone you have traveled with in a past life.
We all have soul families that we travel with over and over again. We just mix it up and change roles in every lifetime. Here is the good news, we have several soulmates and they do take many different roles. Many would be shocked to know that they are not all romantic. This is really a third-dimensional viewpoint of things. You could have a child who is a soulmate, or a best friend. These are the people that know you inside and out. Often, they can finish your words, or read your mind. They are usually easy relationships. You may feel immediately drawn to them when you first, meet them. They just get you, and you them. Magnets attracting each other.
Trust me when I say there is not any one person that is going to come and save you from yourself. No knight in shining armor, so don't set yourself up. In reality, it may seem that the horse is limping, the armor has rusted and the knight is exhausted from the ride. Often, soulmates are a mirror for us, so what you see in them may be showing you where there is still working on it to do. As we know, life is not perfection, and neither is any partner, even if they are a soulmate. The sooner we get that, the more peace we will find in our hearts. So remember the next time you want to romanticize every soulmate connection, take a breath and see them for what they are, a kindred Spirit, and fellow traveler along the path, to remind you of who you are, and to give you support along the way.