Everything in the physical is just a place for the spiritual to develop. Think about that for a moment. What does it mean to you? Does it make sense? If it is true that we are working on lessons and Earth is the grand classroom then it makes sense that we are always working on something to either advance spiritually or fail miserably. It is helpful to remember that there is always a bigger reason for what is happening or not happening. Often, it takes a while before we can see the whys of why this or that happened. We may go through life feeling like we are wearing a blindfold feeling around in the dark hoping to find some wonderful companions to keep us company here. I feel blessed to have found others who are trying to find their way back home.
The physical has many distractions here for sure. Many shiny things to tempt us off our path but underneath our hearts are woven with gold gossamer as a reminder of home and the beauty of bringing a little home here to lighten the load we carry. We do remember dear friends why we signed up for this, what the mission is, and why it is so important to the evolution of our soul and the evolution of the world as well.
As we bring in more of the spiritual world there seems to be hope for what is and what will be. Even having a beautiful altar in our home or surroundings reminds us that we are not alone. Looking for the signs that are sent every day reminding us we are on the right path and not to give up. Believe me, there are days when I feel like I can't keep going (on occasion) and in that moment I feel like my team says send her a lifeline, and in that very moment something wonderful will happen like someone sending me a card telling me that I changed their whole life. That seems to keep me going for a little while longer until the next time.
Let's face it, there are times when a good meditation can bring us peace like nothing else. Channeling spirit can give us answers that we may not receive anywhere else.
When we can connect with loved ones on the other side we know life really does go on and love never dies. When spirit works through us during a healing session and the person gets relief, there is nothing more satisfying than that but the physical world has its gifts as well!
The physical realms let us experience all of our senses. There is nothing better than tasting something delicious, feeling something soft, hearing a beautiful piece of music, smelling something that reminds you of a loved one long ago, or being able to express the full spectrum of emotions. I personally think the goal is to have one foot in both worlds. Enjoy this world, find your joy, live in the moment, walk in the rain, complete your bucket list but never forget where we all came from, strive to be a better person, and be an example of compassion and love in every moment. Embrace those who surround you and spend time with those people who are really important to you. As you know, before you know it we will be back home wishing we were in the physical again. Enjoy and keep creating different ways to experience and express joy.
You will be so glad you did.
