We are at such a dark time in his-story that the Divine Mother’s energy
is needed more than ever. We need the energies and gifts of the
Mother to see us through. As we are beaten up daily by our
surroundings, the world, and what is being asked of us that seems
almost impossible, we need to up our self-care and gentleness of our
body, mind, and spirit.
We still have a long time to go to let the light quotient increase enough
to wash over the remaining darkness on planet Earth.
We must stay steadfast in our belief that it is all possible and at the
same time send out the clarion call for the Mother energy that is
needed at this time.
A while ago Mother Mary came to me to tell me that we need to call on
her and get back to doing the rosary beads because of the time we
are in. This is not a religious or Christian thing. Do any form of prayer
and call the Divine Mother in with her compassion, unconditional love,
patience, strength, and wisdom for humanity and for each one of us
personally. Some of us have been doing this work for so long, holding
the light, and energy that we are at the place that we need to hand off
the shuttle stick but there’s no one to pass it to. The best thing we all
can do is refresh and replenish our bodies and souls and that's why
the Mother is needed at this time.
Call out to her and watch what