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Purpose, People, Plan

Recently I heard a podcast from Jay Shetty. I listen to his words of wisdom often. I like him because he used to be a monk and he has such great reflections and meditations. They are always short, to the point, and profound.

In a recent one, he talked about how each year you just need a purpose first. It should basically one big goal. He said we have four seasons in a year, three  months in a season, and twelve weeks in a season. The point was that if we only focused on one season at a time with our action steps, we would arrive at our big goal by the end of the year. I loved what he said next. “We need three kinds of people in our lives. We need one that is our cheerleader. We need a challenger in our lives, and we need a check-in person.” It brought me back to look at my life. I did inventory. I feel I have many cheerleaders. These are those people that no matter what stand by your side and support you even if they don’t understand why you’re doing it.

The challenger will ask why you think you can do that or they will challenge your beliefs. My granddaughter is the best challenger I have. She questions me or is a naysayers with every turn. She keeps me on my toes and makes me go inward to double check my direction. Thank you Haley!

A check in person is next. They are the ones that either they check in with you or you reach out to check in with them. These may be your coaches, or professionals or confidants that you want to run something by them or to make sure you are on the right path. All seem vital to get you to keep moving. I think by having three very distinct kinds of people in our lives we can grow so much in different ways. They will keep us on track and validate us in forward motion. Time to check in your life and see if you have these three Archetypes in your world. If not, create the intention to draw these into your life. You will be so glad you did!

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