There are those who have come here to be fully human and there are those who have come here to be fully spiritual but that doesn’t work. Some think that they can just be in their humanness until it’s time for them to die and then they will try to embrace their spirit in their last few breaths before going home. There are those who only want to be here dealing with the spiritual world, but we live in a world where we shouldn’t minimize either because we can be in both worlds. We can’ give up one at the expense of one or another. Before we came here we wanted to be here so bad. We wanted to be on Earth where we could create and experience with all our senses. We wanted to be part of a larger plan to bring this world into balance, as we ascend into higher levels of awareness. We can’t do it by only embracing one of these. We need to use all our God given gifts and our super powers that we have received from both world’s.
If you stop and think about all you have been through to be where you are today; the lessons and the learnings, the pain and the sorrow, and even the joy, don’t make it all in vain. It has to mean something, and it does. There is no need to keep swinging the pendulum back and forth between one world or another. We can be in both worlds and we can appreciate the joy each one can bring to us.
We are all capable of being spiritual beings without having to choose one over another but the challenge is to see how much spirit you can hold in your humanness. It has been my experience over many years of being in service to many, that if I am too airy fairy to some it will turn them away because they will not be able to relate to me. If I am only focused on issues of this world, some might perceive me as too practical in my solutions to their problems. It is because I work within the middle ground that I get the results I do. I found that there is no need to stand on a soap box and tell people how spiritual I am when working with them. The frequency of the heart transmits a vibe that is felt by others without saying a word. People start feeling safe with you and start to open up and then you can bring in the human solutions to help them because they will be more open to solutions. There is nothing more attractive than someone who is walking consciously in both worlds. Imagine if we could maximize what our brains and bodies were capable of while using the super powers of our spirit. This is what I call the super human.
I think those that find peace in their religion and are drawn so much to the Christ energy really have a desire to return to the qualities that we are told he possessed. I think we need to be shown more action based practices that are practical ways we can relate to and make it up to date 2,000 plus years later. It gives people hope and faith that we to could be that loving if only we could embrace our humanness and our spiritual side.
