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Writer's pictureBrenda Edwards

Shifting With The Change Of Seasons

It’s important to know that with the change of the seasons there needs to be  conscious shifts within our lives and in our world. It’s so important to be aware of the changes each season is asking us to make. Today, we will focus on the season we are slipping into, Fall. The Fall asks us to start slowing down enough to be aware of the beauty exists all around us. The leaves falling slowly looking like a bouquet of colorful flowers. It brings us the feeling of one last push of the beauty of nature before everything disappears for the Winter.

Fall is a time to get things in order and start completing what needs to be completed before the cold and the shutting down of Winter. Most focus on the outside  getting their yards and gardens cleaned up, windows too! It's as if the universe is telling us to use this month to get outside and take in the beauty of Fall. The crisp air in our lungs makes us feel alive. Our inner self needs attention as well. We need to start quieting our mind down and focusing our attention on our spiritual growth. It’s a great time to start to hunker down with some good spiritual books or trying a new kind of meditation practice.

With each turn of the wheel we are given once again a chance for a fresh start. It’s like we can erase the incomplete intentions we once had and re-evaluate where we are in this moment. Journaling on it is a great way to see what needs to be left behind as you move forward. It is like we are always trying to re-invent ourselves and Fall just like the word, is a form of surrender and letting go. As we surrender and let go, we are creating a fresh slate, a place to let go, and create and feel our new edges. Each season gives us this opportunity to start anew. Enjoy…breathe…and become one with what nature is asking of us. Remember, each season is beautiful in its own way, and just like nature each and every one of us is unique as well. Honor your depth and take a giant leap into the unknown.


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